Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Rounder 3 Column

This blog is created to showcase all four Rounder Blogger templates modified to 3 Column by To browse all four templates see the Switch Rounder Templates section under the sidebar.

These template are available for download fromfrom our Template System at Please keep the link and credits intact. has the largest collection of Blogger XML templates including modified Blogger templates, Gecko & Fly templates, Wordpress templates, and more


siampoint said...


Gem@ said...

Pues la transferencia directa no expande la plantilla completa.
¿Pueden decirme como conseguir la plantilla lista para aplicar a mi blog?

Caleb said...

This is cool!

Dette said...

This is VERY cool.

I would LOVE to switch to the Rounders 3 - 3 column template, but just had a couple of questions:

1) If I've made changes to my template (under edit HTML) - will those changes get lost?

2) Will the sidebar widges stay unchanged?

3) To install the new template, do we just copy and paste the download text to the top of our current template?

Forgive me - I'm a TOTAL newbie. I've been experimenting a lot (too much, for my family's sake - lol!)

I'd like to keep all the customizations I've made (hopefully without having to do them again!) - could you let me know? Thanks!!

Keluargaku Surgaku said...

I like this templete, cool.

Anonymous said...

Whew! Finally! I fond one!!!!!!!!!

Emotional Penguins said...

please go to


Linda said...

Nice looking template

Seigokan Portugal said...

This is not Rounders.
It is an adulteration.
The Header is not rounder.

Eduardo Lopes

Seigokan Portugal said...

Now is a real rounder template again.
Thank you very much.
Maintain it like this, please.
It is a great template.

Best Regards,
Eduardo Lopes

PS: Unfortunately, the weblog I created with this template did not update the header rounded.

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Mundo Jebleng said...

Template yang Mengesankan sederhana tapi indah sekali , mengingatkan pertama kali Aku bergabung di blogspot . terima kasih Sahabat Koleksi Anda Luar biasa